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You've probably heard of bilingual call centers, but do you know the benefits of partnering with one? Read on to find out more about the advantages of working with a bilingual call center.

Key Points

  • A bilingual call center is a customer service contact center that employs representatives who speak English and another language.
  • Bilingual customer service representatives can switch between speaking in English and another language to provide improved customer service.
  • Businesses that partner with bilingual call centers can expect benefits like improved customer experiences, increased conversion rates, enhanced brand affinity, and a competitive advantage over their competition.

What Is a Bilingual Call Center?

Before we dive into the benefits, let's define what a bilingual call center is. A bilingual contact center specializes in responding to customer requests in English and another preferred language, such as Spanish.

Bilingual customer service representatives have a wide range of responsibilities that include switching between speaking in English and another language to provide an excellent customer experience. Bilingual customer service representatives can quickly place orders, answer questions thoroughly regarding a product or service in the customers' preferred language, and efficiently process payments and returns.

The Benefits of Partnering With a Bilingual Call Center

Let's explore a few major benefits of bilingual call centers and what bilingual customer service representatives bring to the business table.

Improves the Customer Experience

Delivering a great customer experience means never saying the word, “no,” but if your call center doesn't employ bilingual customer service representatives, “no” is the first and last word your customers hear. Partnering with a bilingual call center improves the customer experience by ensuring each of your customers receives support from a representative that speaks and understands their preferred language.

Boosts Conversation Rates

If customers don't understand call center representatives, landing a sale is even more difficult. But when customers are communicating with a bilingual customer service representative about your products and services in a language they understand, they're more likely to make a purchase. By working with a bilingual call center, you can boost your conversion rates and decrease time wasted on prospects due to language barriers. Bilingual customer service representatives are also proven to be fast and organized critical thinkers, capable of grasping cultural nuances that monolingual employees might not be able to understand.

Enhances Brand Affinity

Brand affinity is the holy grail of business success that results in happy, loyal customers. One way to enhance the connection between your brand and customers is to partner with a bilingual call center that employs call center representatives who speak the same language. Bilingual citizens in the U.S. and abroad live and work in bustling communities with like-minded, culturally similar individuals, sharing their business and personal experiences. When a bilingual customer has a positive experience with your brand, they're likely to become a repeat customer and tell their friends and family about your company. By working with a bilingual call center, you encourage customer longevity by offering everyone, regardless of language skills, the opportunity to love your products and services.

Improves Diversity

Relying on a bilingual call center to handle your customer service needs shows that your business embraces diversity, giving customers a good first impression of your company. It also shows that you have cultural awareness and operate a modern, flexible organization that appeals to individuals from all walks of life.

Increases Market Expansion

U.S.-based organizations often find expansion into foreign markets unattainable due to language barriers. There's simply no way to expand into a new, non-English speaking market without hiring and emphasizing the use of the local language for sales, customer service, and product support. Communication is the key to establishing yourself in a new market, and hiring bilingual customer service representatives is a great start toward creating a more international work environment where you can learn about the needs and preferences of your new potential market.

Gives Your Business a Competitive Edge

Working with a bilingual call center also gives your company a competitive edge, making your brand stand out from the competition. For example, let's say you're the only company in your market space to offer customer service in Farsi or Tagalog. By hiring bilingual customer service representatives who speak your customers' preferred language, you have the competitive edge in those bilingual communities. If you've resigned yourself to only selling or interacting with the English-speaking world, you're not in the same league as other businesses that have the ability to communicate with international or non-English speaking customers. You might offer a better product or service, but no one in the bilingual community will ever know—unless you work with a bilingual call center with representatives who speak the same language.

With more than a decade of experience, ListenTrust is the leading bilingual call center in the U.S. Hispanic Market.

A Bilingual Call Center That Builds a Better Brand Experience for Your Customers

Customer engagement isn't a one-size-fits-all solution—the best way to find out what gets your customers excited is for someone who understands their language to listen to them. At ListenTrust, we partner with companies to help them build a better brand experience, provide enhanced customer service solutions, listen to customer needs, and earn their trust.

Our Bilingual Call Center Services for the U.S. Hispanic Market

ListenTrust understands what motivates the U.S. Hispanic market and provides our clients with excellent bilingual call center services for Spanish-speaking customers. With our services, you get:

  • A highly educated, motivated team of bilingual customer service representatives
  • Spanish-speaking agents with a naturally neutral accent
  • A uniquely profitable “soft offer” approach attuned to U.S. Hispanic consumers

Contact us today for more information on partnering with a bilingual call center that helps you build a better brand experience for your customers.