Looking Back at 11 Years of Call Center Expertise: What We’ve Learned and How We’ve Grown

As ListenTrust enters its second decade, we’re reflecting on what we’ve learned and how we’ve evolved throughout our first decade in business. Here are some of our favorite takeaways from the first 11 years." 

  1. Company culture is key: Culture is the foundation of ListenTrust because we believe that a fun, creative environment fosters more engagement and dedication from our employees.
  2. People are our best asset: We know that without our Managers and Agents, the work could not get done, and we continuously ask them for feedback to make positive changes within the company.
  3. Philanthropy is a driving force: We saw employees improve sales when their “reward” was donated to a good cause. The philanthropic spirit we’ve ignited has allowed us to take employees on trips to build schools in Haiti and raise funds that have helped us donate over $590,000 to the nonprofit, buildON.
  4. Negative experiences give us opportunities to improve: Over the course of 11 years doing business it’s natural there would be challenges along the way, but having an open mind and being flexible in how we respond has been the key to overcoming them. We’ve learned to focus on the things we can control and have even pivoted significant aspects of the business to do things we haven’t done before, helping us increase profitability and gain new clients.
  5. Interactive leadership is vital: Being on the ground, easily accessible, and listening to our Managers and Agents, reminds them that we are invested in their future and care about their personal success.
  6. Recognition and rewards are strong motivators: Through rewards, we remind our employees that their work is valued. It also keeps them motivated and inspired to improve when they see how well their peers are doing.
  7. Personal accomplishments drive sales: We’ve learned that when people have the support to reach their personal goals, they are happier employees who perform better. After we implemented our DreamTrust program we saw many of our Agents increase their sales and also saw a decrease in turnover.
  8. We’re not a vendor, but a true partner to our clients: For us to be successful and deliver results to our clients, we work with them every step of the way. We want to know what has worked for them previously and where the areas of opportunity are so we can make the changes and improve the success of their campaign.
  9. Scripts matter, but rapport matters more: Even though we write great call scripts for our Agents, we understand that personal connections are more important to truly convert the customer into a loyal brand advocate. We even have in-house tools that help our agents better connect with customers by building rapport quickly on a call.
  10. Open door policies produce results: We want our employees to reach out to us, and if that means walking into the CEO’s office to talk, then that’s great. Whomever an employee needs to speak with to discuss a project or provide feedback, we want them to go straight to that person no matter what the org-chart says.
  11. Be positive and fun: Throughout the years, we’ve learned that you can be serious when it comes to business, but you can have fun too. This is why we focus on creating an exciting and positive work environment where people can excel.

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For more information, contact Tom Sheppard, VP Business Development, at: tsheppard@listentrust.com.

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